
  當我看到巴夏官方網站上這篇"The Fundamentals"訊息時,有一段關於父母的話,深深的打動了我,所以我把這段話決定翻譯出來,分享給大家。






  回來談生命藍圖(註:前文指的是「信念」),找出和「你知道真正的你」不一致的事物,找到對你行不通的定義,找出你在何處第一次接受那個定義,然後很可能你會發現:你大多數(的信念),它是當你成長時,從你父母自己(雖然並非他們的錯)的所認為是真實信念而來,然後父母以心電感應方式傳給你們。從出生前到大約三歲,你通常都牢牢地受困於他們的信念系統結構,因為你知道為了生存,你必須接受他們的信念,因為你意識到,「唉呀……這是要照顧我的人們,我最好聽從他們並找出他們相信什麼,否則他們不會扶養我,所以我會展現自己像株單純的花朵,並且完全的相信他們餵養我的每一句話……哎呀,那些話嚐起來味道不太好,但我最好還是堅持下去,因為如果我不這樣做,他們將非常生氣 ……他們將不會愛我。」你看看這一切從何而來?

Go back to the blueprint, find out where something doesn't align with who you know you are, find the definition that doesn't work for you, find out where you first bought into that definition, and most likely you will find for most of you, it is through no fault of their own, from your parents when you were growing up, in what they believed to be true and imparted unto you telepathically, from before birth, by the time you are approximately three of your years of your age, you are usually very rigidly locked into their belief system structure, because you know you had to accept their beliefs in order to survive, because you recognized, "Oops... these are the people that are going to take care of me, I'd better tow the line and find out what they believe in, otherwise, they're not going to support me, so I will open up like the little innocent flower that I am and swallow every single thing they feed me hook, line and sinker...
whoops, that didn't taste too good, but I better hold on to it because if I don't, they're going to get awfully angry ... they won't love me." You see where this all comes from?




The idea therefore, is again, with no blame... no blame, no blame... but unconditional love, to recognize that they did the best they could with the belief system definitions they were spoon-fed, and that the idea is now to understand... that you have a choice, you have come to a point in transition on your planet at this time, where you can realize that you can break the chain, you can allow yourself the opportunity to realize, it is the product of your definition, and you can change that definition, you can change your upbringing... literally, you can change the past... literally, because everything stems from the present, you can thus re-create yourself quite literally... very really, into a new persona... a new being, and allow the reflection of reality to be presented to that new person, that is representative of who it is you decide in this moment to be with your new definition. It's really, again... just as simple as that.






    創作者 幸運樹 的頭像


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