Cirque Du Soleil 太陽劇團 《Quidam》謝幕式,是近年來我看過最棒的舞台劇謝幕之一。尤其那小女孩唱的歌相當清澈而有穿透力,令我難以忘懷...










       (singer:J.Corcoran/B. Jutras)

Your world is yours, not mine, Quidam.
Your dreams are yours.
You may have touched the stars
but they weren't moved.
And if you reach for me
I may not choose to hold your hand.
I might smile or I might turn away.

An ordinary man, Quidam.
I'm everyman.
I'm anyman.

Quidam, Quidam                         Quidam, Quidam
La nuit recule.                        The night fell.
D'un rve  l'autre tu valses     From a dream to another you
Du creux de toi c'est bien le ma      From the trough of you
qui dresse tes silences.              it is the evil that gives your silence.

There's nothing left.
There's nothing right.
There's nothing wrong.
I'm one, I'm two. I'm all yet none of you.
The truth, the lie,
the tear, the laughter,
the hand and the empty touch.
Here I am alone waiting for the curtain call.

An ordinary man, Quidam.
I'm everyman. T'es l'inconnu.            I'm everyman .You're the unknown
I'm anyman. T'es l'tranger.             I'm anyman. You're abroad.


Quidam, Quidam                        Quidam, Quidam
La nuit recule.                        The night fell.
D'un rve  l'autre tu valses.     From a dream to another you waltzes.
Du creux de toi c'est bien le mal      From the trough of you
qui dresse tes silences.               it is the evil that gives your silence.

Bailo en este lienzo de dolor.        I dance in this canvas of pain
Funmbulo sin mapa ni brjula.   Ropewalker without a map or
La dulce locura mi solo refugio.      The sweet madness my only refuge.
Nazco en la sombra del payaso.        Born in the shadow of the clown.


Quidam, Quidam                        Quidam, Quidam
La nuit recule.                       The night fell.
D'un rve  l'autre tu valses.        From a dream to another you
Du creux de toi c'est bien le mal     From the trough of you
qui dresse tes silences.              it is the evil that gives your silence.


Quidam, Quidam                      Quidam, Quidam
aux rives du rve.                  the shores of the dream.
Au seuil de l'ombre, tu valses.     On the threshold of the shadow, you
Autour de toi c'est bien le mal     Around you it is evil
qui dresse tes silences.           which gives your silence.


Quidam, Quidam                        Quidam, Quidam
La nuit recule.                          The night fell.
D'un rve  l'autre tu valses.      From a dream to another you altzes.
Du creux de toi c'est bien le mal    From the trough of you
qui dresse tes silences.              it is the evil that gives your silence.


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